Kokopelli dance #16 by Toni Elkins, NWS
Toni Elkins
NWS Signature Member
Columbia, SC
Artist Statement:
My work has received over 160 national awards. I am a signature member of 12 Societies, including National Watercolor Society, Watercolor West, Watercolor USA Honor Society, and Master Nautilus Member of The International Society of Experimental Artists. I have exhibited in most USA states as well as Canada and Japan. Since the death of my husband in 2016, my paintings have changed. I paint from a deeper meaning. My senses have been awakened to deeper passions and different senses of self.
NWS Signature Member
Columbia, SC
Artist Statement:
My work has received over 160 national awards. I am a signature member of 12 Societies, including National Watercolor Society, Watercolor West, Watercolor USA Honor Society, and Master Nautilus Member of The International Society of Experimental Artists. I have exhibited in most USA states as well as Canada and Japan. Since the death of my husband in 2016, my paintings have changed. I paint from a deeper meaning. My senses have been awakened to deeper passions and different senses of self.